Art on Pandemic
Unprecedented Divergence
Pandemic came as unprecedented divergence Future planning or a delusion, The world wide halt and a confusion For the humans it is the retribution, The Earth solemnly recovers from the pest From the ashes of the human that have rest, For the suffering will shall end And humans shall now repent, Since millennia the humans have ravaged The land inhabited by these savage, They exploits for their mortal lives Something that is bound for demise, Humans entitle themselves with right Killing and slaving others with their might, For billions weep and suffer till death Without mercy humans continue to wreck, But this cancer must end soon Otherwise the planet will be doomed, Seas cry out loud, and land will shake up Thunder will strike and wind will wrap up, Pandemic or catastrophe Humans must learn to obey, The planet seeks justice Not your imaginary god nor your social practice, Humans now suffer the fate they create For the beings they cannot relate, The virus will make its mark Towards the global intervention alas, The judgement shall come very soon And the planet will rejoice under the moon, All beings once again be free To roam the world without human decree.
By Zeldash Myst